A set of tutorials, covering the use of olaFlow is available here.
All the cases include runCase and cleanCase scripts.
The first one runs all the steps needed to simulate the case and sampling/validation (when available).
The second one resets the case to its initial state (i.e. with a very small size).
A simple wave flume in 2D.
A 3D wave tank in which an irregular sea state is generated at patch X = 0, and absorbed elsewhere.
A 2D dam break in a tank, classic benchmark case to validate free surface flow through a porous medium.
A composite breakwater within a wave flume in 2D. This case involves turbulence modelling.
A simple wave flume in 2D, in which waves are absorbed by a piston wavemaker.
A simple wave flume in which waves and a current are generated simultaneously.
A simple wave flume in which waves are generated either by a piston or a flap wavemaker.
A simple wave flume in which oblique waves are generated either by a multi-piston or a multi-flap wavemaker (10 individual paddles).
A simple wave flume in 2D, in which two identical solitary waves travel in opposite directions.
A 2D wave flume with an irregular bottom, in which the wave field is set as initial condition with the setOla utility.